Thursday, October 23, 2014

Is this still true?

 Written and printed in Courier Post November 2013:

If a person of national authority repeatedly assures that something will come to pass, can we assume there is a promise?
A border guard was murdered by people taking advantage of weapons sold under the Fast and Furious program. Green energy loans totaled billions. We had millions contributed to Solyndra and like solar corporations that went bankrupt.
We heard of the IRS using its authority to subject the requests of conservative organizations to delays and scrutiny. Phone calls and emails were intercepted and recorded by the National Security Agency.
The raid in Benghazi resulted in the death of Americans. We were told that the raid in Benghazi was the result of an anti-Islam video. We were told, by our president, the culprits would be brought to justice. Various stories of possible military rescue missions to Benghazi have been reported, but the witnesses have not been permitted to testify.
Our president assured the government we would get to the bottom of these fiascoes.
Oh well, we can keep our health insurance and doctor, or is that left up to the secretary of Health and Human Services? She issued the criteria that insurance companies must meet.
Who cares what difference it makes?

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