Sunday, June 22, 2014


Dear Editor,
Is Barrack Obama or anyone capable of controlling the Federal Government?  Consider the fifteen departments with eighty-nine bureaus or services. The list of employees and functions is astronomical. The Department of the Treasury has the infamous Internal Revenue Service. Recent focus has been on the IRs e-mails. If the information lost was not being routed through the massive government system the question is why not? Why are the computers involved not backed by some major system?
If the lost the E-mails are without back up in the Service’s system, were they personal communications not necessarily meant as official correspondence? Of course if they were intentionally personal then why were they on government computers? If this is where the communications took place another question is: Were the communications meant to be beyond scrutiny of the government? More clearly, were the people communicating with the purpose of doing so secretly because they were advocating something conspiratorial?
With the size of the government the possibilities for crimes against the citizens are manifold. It is time to reduce government. The Internal Revenue Service could be reduced by one of the tax systems such as; Fair Tax, National Sales Tax, or a simplified tax code. How many negotiated income tax settlements have been agreed by the IRS, at what costs? Reductions of government agencies would reduce tax dollars and unnecessary citizen scrutiny. Did the VA size, involvement, and bonuses cause unnecessary problems? Barrack Obama’s voters should lead the charge for smaller government where possible.
Gerald Keer

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Don't feed the animals! A lesson.

The year was 1970 and I visited the Pittsburgh zoo with my wife and son. The Zoo had an excellent brown bear enclosure of about ten bears of various sizes in an open pit surrounded by a stone wall and a moat at the base. The zoo had bags of marsh mallows for sale. The natural order in the bear pit meant the number on bear had front row and center. People would throw marshmallows, but the majority were caught by the front row center bear with a sweep of its paw, just like a first baseman's snag of a throw as the other non-players watched and looked on in envy. I decided, in my liberal mind, that this was unfair.
I began throwing marshmallows to the assumed number two and three positioned bears. Number one became annoyed with my third or fourth toss. The big bruin came down off his select spot and dispersed number two and number three. The flying fur spread throughout the compound of the numerous bears. People became alarmed and quickly left the scene in fear. Fear, was little concern because there was no way the behemoths were leaving the pit.
The lesson today is don’t feed the animals! Are we spreading fear and unrest today through our welfare systems? Are we spreading a disturbance in the natural order of our nation by bringing in emigrants without a formal procedure that thousands, or millions, of legal immigrations were processed and endured in the decades past?
By no means should illegal immigrants be considered animals. But the provisions of welfare to illegals and the provision of housing, health care, etc. is not fair to the people that came before them, learned the language, and passed the citizen test.

Keystone or Tax! Pass it on!

There have been recent discussions wherein raising the road tax on gasoline or diesel fuels have trial ballooned. The part that seems to need consideration is who will be the persons bearing the costs. If you are in business the cost of transportation has a level of tax deduct-ability as a business expense. The deduction size will be a function of the taxable rate. If you are the average wage earner you will have a low level of a deduction being available to you. Even if you travel a high level of mileage for health care, the level of tax deduction will only return a small amount.
If the Guy in the white house would stop blocking the Keystone pipeline the cost of fuel might come down. If the cost of fuel drops there could be a desire for an entrepreneur to construct a new refinery, or upgrade one of the existing facilities. Just think of the number of; boilermakers, carpenters, electricians, carpenters, pipefitters, insulators, iron workers, lathers, etc., needed for the project.
Of course this would require less intervention by the ‘green peace’s’. It is time the people of this country stand up and shout. “I’m sick and tired of this and I am not going to take it anymore.”

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

This is the time to Turn the Tide!

LETTER: Conservatives will turn the tide

Was President Barack Obama proud of our nation before his wife made her quote about being proud of the U.S. for the first time in her life?
Obama came to office and ordered the closing of Guantanamo. He proposed placing the detainees on trial in New York City. During his presidential campaign, Obama professed the war in Afghanistan was the correct war.
He has released five high-value detainees. He told us the Benghazi murderers will be brought to justice. His statements, actions or lack of actions do not prove Obama is not proud of the U.S. However, a person who pays attention feels the country is being led in an unending labyrinth of mistakes, misdirection or, yes, a world of lies.
He has circumvented laws without congressional action. Laws on the books regulate immigration. People here illegally are committing violations and not being deported. This might be the continuation of decades of circumvention by liberal thought or attitudes by Republicans in name only and Democrats.
The employment picture has not improved. The number of workers as a percentage of the workforce is less. Obama drew a red line, then allowed the light to go green.
Our upcoming election is our opportunity to reverse the course.
We must elect senators and congressional representatives who will stand up, shout and act.
The mold of the controlling political parties must be broken. Overspending must be reversed.
When Israeli citizens and soldiers are held hostage, Israel acts; it doesn’t compensate.
Our children’s future must be saved by electing reasonably conservative politicians to offices.