Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Will the SJT Print My letter?

This following letter is my response to the South Jersey Times and their continuing posting of anti-Republican or Conservative point of views, It will be interesting to see if they will print my obvious distaste,

September 23, 2015

Dear Editor,

Does the South Jersey Times endorse Jonathan Capehart of the Washington Post in his opinion that “- neither candidate (front running Republicans) is fit for the White House”? Reading between the lines, Capehart seemed to assert that the front runners, because they did not defend Obama against a radical’s shout that he is a Muslim, are therefore endorsing racism. Capehart could go back in history to the time when Catholics, Jews, Mormons, etc. were remarked to be unfit for the White House. The crux of the matter is that candidates or persons of those religions do not subjugate our United States Constitution to the tenets of Sharia Law.

When and if any Candidate; Muslim, Jew, Catholic Mormon, Christian, etc. runs for Presidency they are questioned to affirm they are of no opposition to our Constitution or the system of our laws. When, as an example, Sharia Law advocates elevate women to the level of men, maybe then Front Running Republicans will endorse the followers who prefer our Constitution over Sharia. Obama was not and has not been proven to be a Muslim as charged by the shouting radical.

Obama, did swear an oath to protect the Constitution, though some doubt his intentions. He repeatedly asserted that you can keep your insurance and doctor. Many insurance subscribers feel they were lied to and they no longer believe Obama. Is the South Jersey Times akin to Capehart’s accusations of Republican bigotry? Just reading between the lines.

Gerald Keer

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